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I have a simple and very common problem but have a query regarding not just my menstrual cycle but regarding foot reflexology. I have been missing my periods for quite some time but recently have felt pain on my right foot - front part. From the foot reflexology diagrams I have seen, I understand that there is a problem somewhere in my reproductive organs. From a test report, my gynaecologist inferred that there is a problem with one of my ovaries. I don't want to use medicines to induce a normal hormonal level. I am looking for a way I can heal my self. Is there any way you can help me find sources/experts? not quacks but not gynaecologists either.

asked Mar 18 '14 at 04:01

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Asked: Mar 18 '14 at 04:01

Seen: 2,128 times

Last updated: Mar 18 '14 at 04:01

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