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I have a 10 year old cousin and she has started asking questions about periods. I want to inform her in the best possible way as I dont want her to get half knowledge. I just want to ask how do I start discussing things with her without scaring her. What amount of information is sufficient for her at this age? What can be the perfect balance as to not knowing much but knowing enough?

asked May 06 '14 at 05:23

RitikaDas's gravatar image


Hi Ritika,

A question similar to this already exists here http://questions.menstrupedia.com/questions/445/talking-to-my-daughter-about-periods-when-to-do-it?page=1#449. Although it is about educating daughters about menstruation, most of the points are relevant to your question as well.


answered May 06 '14 at 08:08

karijoh's gravatar image

karijoh ♦♦

edited May 06 '14 at 08:08

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Asked: May 06 '14 at 05:23

Seen: 3,361 times

Last updated: May 06 '14 at 08:08

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