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Hey Aditi and Tuhin,

I really enjoyed your talk over TEDx and the topic really opens up on a positive note thats periods should be ashamed off or something .. Also the awareness among children in India is also a must need and you guys are goings absolutely great job.. I really salute you for this activity.

I would like to ask you about girls who have irregular periods ?? not the reason of having an intermittent ones or the one which comes after a long time as unexpected. I would like to ask there are few girls as well who have more than 5 days of period like for instance I know in particular my friend who has 8 day period. Does this really affect the day to day living and will it affect her post marriage life ?? Understanding this kind of periods is slightly different than what we are updated of. You feedback would be really valuable in this regards.

I am a doctoral graduate student in Gothenburg University, Sweden and would like you to put some of the lights on this aspect as well..

asked Nov 01 '14 at 11:29

Taral%20Lunavat's gravatar image

Taral Lunavat

Hi Taral,

Thanks for your kind words!

The duration of periods vary a lot from girl to girl and even for a girl it can vary over the course of her life. In the beginning periods can be irregular and can vary from 2 to 9 days in duration. It takes about a year for the period to get regular. Periods for 8 days shouldn't be a thing to worry about as long as the blood loss per menstrual cycle is not more than 80 ml (approx: 6 tablespoons).


answered Nov 02 '14 at 03:23

aditigupta's gravatar image

aditigupta ♦

Hey Aditi,

Thanks for your prompt reply. The amount of blood loss is usually more than 180ml since it always comes for 8 days. Do I have to worry for this reason. DO I need to show my friend to consult a doctor immediately. What are your opinions. ??

(Nov 17 '14 at 12:22) Taral Lunavat Taral%20Lunavat's gravatar image
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Asked: Nov 01 '14 at 11:29

Seen: 6,580 times

Last updated: Nov 17 '14 at 13:23

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