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Hii I am Sudha Raut .and my sister who is 19 years has irregular periods. She mostly get her periods in 1 &1/2 month .

so my mom took her to the doctor and doctor recommended us to do Sonography and and it was rectified it was pcos .

So Doctor had given her medicine for 3months but till Date she has not got her periods. She had got her last periods in month of September. and doctor had recommended us that 1nce she gets the periods get back to her.

So is their any way that she can gets her periods.

please let me know


Sudha Raut

asked Dec 04 '14 at 01:15

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Sudha Raut

Hi Sudha Raut,

Irregular periods in late teenage years is very common. I had faced a similar situation in my late teens. Pcos is becoming quite common, but should be taken very seriously. Delay in treatment, in worst cases, can lead to difficulties in conceiving. I suggest you to consult more doctors on this issue. Your cousin would asked to undergo an Ultrasound, followed by a 3 month course medication (usually hormone pills). Along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, the periods would regularize.

P.S: There are a few yoga asanas that help in tackling issues with irregular periods, which are effective. Hope this answer helps.


answered Dec 20 '14 at 12:34

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Asked: Dec 04 '14 at 01:15

Seen: 6,184 times

Last updated: Dec 20 '14 at 12:34

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