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My and my fiance had unprotectd sex 5dayz ago and he ejaculated inside me. Next day as per my menses cycle, i got my period. I mean period started. And den it continued for second day. But on 3rd day, no bleeding or spotting was there and same on 4thday no period. Does dt mean dt im pregnant and it had interupted my menses. And so shud i go fr pregnancy test. Please help. Im feelin weak, headache and back spasm

asked Mar 11 '15 at 13:23

Ppaul04's gravatar image


It’s not possible for pregnant coz of first day of period the sperm will came with it took time for get pregnant but anyway take a pregnancy test if you want


answered Mar 10 '16 at 06:54

suman's gravatar image


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Asked: Mar 11 '15 at 13:23

Seen: 6,261 times

Last updated: Mar 10 '16 at 06:54

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