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I had sex with my boyfriend on morning of 5th December. Fearing of pregnancy I took pills on evening of 7th December and I had periods on 15th. but since then my periods didn't come. Also i experience foul smell when I urinate. I'am a bit worried. am I pregnant? if I'am then can you suggest me ways to lose it.

asked Feb 03 '15 at 04:15

shobha's gravatar image


Maybe it's stress or BV. My friend had BV for months and no period but eventually the BV went away on its own and she just got her period again. She bled heavy for like a week. I really think it was stress related and the fact that she had BV for so long without treating it. Did you take a pregnancy test? Loose it? You mean the baby? Um, abortion, adoption, not having unprotected sex in the future to avoid these potential problems.


answered Feb 08 '15 at 21:56

Abrooke's gravatar image


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Asked: Feb 03 '15 at 04:15

Seen: 6,919 times

Last updated: Feb 08 '15 at 21:56

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